Terms & Conditions For Free Shipping

(Free Shipping will be applicable on order value above INR 4999/-. The value should be same or more than INR 4999/- by adding equal or more amounts products present on the www.rmpl.net.in website only.)

1- Free Shipping of our Produts lies within India Only.

2- Every individual purchase (i.e. single order contains multiple products will be shipped all together on a single shipping address) comes under Free Shipping.

3- If any customer places a order and want shipping on multiple addresses, only one shipping address will come under free shipping (Products value must be = or greater than INR 4999/-) and shipment to othan than free shipping will be payable by the customer.

4- Anyone can place multiple orders in a month. All orders lie under free shipping. Condition is mentioned in the starting of T&C.

5- In case, If anyone places an order and order is once shipped by the company then one cancels the order or not delivered to one's address by multiple attempts of delivery person, one will have to pay shipping charges from both end.

6- Free shipping is applicable only on purchase of products from Radiantia Marketing Pvt. Ltd. If any gift item/Reward is given by the company, will come under paid shipping that will be paid by customer.

7- All rights for Free Shipping is reserved by Radiantia Marketing Pvt. Ltd. It can change from time to time.

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